Recovering from "Startup drive out of memory"

To continue frozen processes, you need to find all sleeping procs and restart them with kill -CONT.

In principle, this command should do that:

ps -A -o tpgid,uid,pid,state,flags | awk '$1!="0" && $2==501 && $4=="S" && $5!="4000410c" {print "kill -CONT " $3}' | bash

Without the flags exclusion, this failed for me on apple's VNC server: ps -A -o tpgid,uid,pid,state,flags | awk '$2==501 && $4=="S" && $5!="4000410c" {print "kill -CONT " $3}' | bash

This is necessary for recovering mac processes: -A      Display information about other users' processes, including those without controlling terminals.

The outputs from the ps process are:

  • tpgid control terminal process group ID
  • pid process ID
  • uid effective user ID
