Flagger images

James requested sample images from the flagger for the methods paper. Below are images + description: .. image:: http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_lsgW26mWZnU/SXHsZcqegtI/AAAAAAAAEs4/3PjUtU2IXtQ/s400/sample_waterfall_070911_o15_highFnoisepng.png This is a "noise-dominated" scan in the sense that the high/low pixels are set by noise, not signal. Despite the clear high frequency noise, this image actually maps out pretty well - I think the high-noise bolometers get downweighted and the high/low pixels probably get clipped by my hot pixel rejection procedure. .. image:: http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_lsgW26mWZnU/SXHsY7Rgq3I/AAAAAAAAEsY/0NT8IB26JUo/s400/flagger_marked_source_050708_o15.png An image of the galactic center with a source southeast of center identified. .. image:: http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_lsgW26mWZnU/SXHsYyHCEGI/AAAAAAAAEsg/3iwoklY0--0/s400/sample_waterfall_050708_o15_glitchandsources.png A scan from the GC image above. I forgot to mark the source, I should go back and do that. The glitch is obvious. .. image:: http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_lsgW26mWZnU/SXHsZHVZ4OI/AAAAAAAAEso/pOXwGFn7rGg/s400/sample_waterfall_050708_o15_glitchflagged.png I drew a box to flag out the region affected by the glitch. .. image:: http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_lsgW26mWZnU/SXHsZG_MmWI/AAAAAAAAEsw/RA6tqAWMnLM/s400/sample_waterfall_050708_o15_glitchgone.png This is what happens when I redraw after flagging out the glitch - the colorbar is rescaled and no more glitch. .. image:: http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_lsgW26mWZnU/SXIDILh3hfI/AAAAAAAAEtQ/cMuOhlFO_fA/s400/sample_waterfall_050708_o15_glitchandsources_marked.png Timestream with glitches and sources marked (one pixel in the map is hit by 3 different points in this scan). .. image:: http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_lsgW26mWZnU/SXIDH3uIjHI/AAAAAAAAEtI/vijTeEWf_nA/s400/sample_waterfall_050708_o15_glitchandsources_gray.png Grayscale version of above (ok, I lied about grayscale being impossible) with a different pixel marked. .. image:: http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_lsgW26mWZnU/SXIDHbYLbiI/AAAAAAAAEtA/nSh2rM6GhMc/s400/flagger_marked_source_footprint_050708_o15.png A zoom-in around the 'kidney bean' source with the Bolocam footprint overlaid and a pixel marked. Note that this pixel corresponds to the 3 points in the color waterfall above.
