Determing ALMA Array Configurations

ALMA's named array configurations are not accessible through CASA. They are available from

This snippet will let you grab the tables and create a mapping from date to array config name.

However, it's a HUGE waste of time, because these data are stored directly in the MS!

This is the right way:'/ASDM_EXECBLOCK')
# array(['C43-3'], dtype='<U16')

This is the hacky, reconstructed from the website, bad way:

import requests
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
from astropy.table import Table, vstack
from import ascii
from astropy.time import Time

url = ""

response = requests.get(url)
soup = BeautifulSoup(response.text)
tables = soup.findAll('table', class_="grid listing")

def clean_lines(soup, badrows=['Long Baseline Campaign',
                               'February Maintenance Period',
                               'End of Cycle',
                               'Engineering/Software Time',
    for tr in soup('tr'):
        if any(bad in str(tr) for bad in badrows):
    return soup

tables = soup.findAll('table', class_="grid listing")
tables = [, format='html') for tbl in tables]
tables[3] = tables[3][:-1]
tables[3]['Block'] = tables[3]['Block'].astype('int')
tables[4]['maximumrecoverablescale2(")'] = tables[4]['maximumrecoverablescale2(")'].astype('str')

stacked = vstack(tables)
start_times = Time(stacked['Start date'])
end_times = Time(stacked['End date'])

Then, say you have a list of measurement sets mses, you can look up the array configuration for each date and field. The choice of fields[0] here only makes sense if your data had a single target; it's a bad choice if there are multiple targets in a scheduling block:

import json
from casatools import msmetadata
msmd = msmetadata()

results = {}

for vis in mses:
    obstime = Time(msmd.timerangeforobs(0)['begin']['m0']['value'], format='mjd')
    fieldnames = np.array(msmd.fieldnames())
    fields = np.unique(fieldnames[msmd.fieldsforintent('OBSERVE_TARGET#ON_SOURCE')])

    array_config = stacked[(obstime > start_times) & (obstime < end_times)]['Approx\xa0Config.']
    if fields[0] in results:
        results[fields[0]][obstime.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')] = array_config[0]
        results[fields[0]] = {obstime.strftime('%Y-%m-%d'): array_config[0]}

with open('array_configurations.json', 'w') as fh:
    json.dump(results, fh)
