casa's plotms in a notebook

CASA's plotms requires an X11 frontend to work properly, so you either need to run it with xvfb or with X.

I want to just make UV data plots in jupyter notebooks.

This is harder than it sounds, particularly for concatenated data sets.

First step is that you need to assemble the metadata:
scsum = msmd.summary()

The resulting scsum is a nested dictionary containing a ton of information. We need only some of it.

To get out some flattened information, such as the "data description IDs" associated with data that are actually in my concatenated MS (in my case, 8 of 11 observation blocks in the metadata are not present in the data), this tool gets and flattens the resulting information:

def walk_summary(summary, key):
    if isinstance(summary, dict):
            if key in summary:
                return summary[key]
                result = [walk_summary(summary[kk], key) for kk in summary]
                    result = np.unique([x for x in result if x is not None])
                    if len(result) > 0:
                        return result
                    return [x for x in result if x is not None]
        except (KeyError,TypeError):

Then we grab the usable observation and data description IDs:

obsids = [key for key in scsum if 'observationID' in key and scsum[key] != {}]
ddids = walk_summary(scsum, 'data description IDs')

Now we have to load the actual data. I needed to create new versions of the mstool each time because I was getting weird errors where ms.close() followed by was not properly resetting, which resulted in ms.getdata returning the same data for two different MSes - BAD!

ms6 = mstool()
scdata_all = {}
for ddid in ddids:
    ms6.selectinit(ddid, reset=True)
    scdata_all[ddid] = ms6.getdata(['amplitude', 'weight', 'uvdist', 'axis_info', 'flag', 'corrected_amplitude'], ifraxis=True)

Then plotting is a hassle, but at least is not insane - it's just normal array manipulation:

colors = itertools.cycle(pl.rcParams["axes.prop_cycle"].by_key()["color"])
for key in scdata_all: # the keys are SPW numbers from the multi-MS file
    weight = scdata_all[key]['weight']
    uvd = scdata_all[key]['uvdist']
    pl.semilogy(uvd.ravel(), weight.reshape(weight.shape[0], uvd.size).T, ',', color=next(colors), label=key, alpha=0.5)
pl.xlabel("UV Distance (m)")

That is basically equivalent to plotms(vis, xaxis='uvdist', yaxis='weight', coloraxis='spw'). It's just slightly more flexible, since you can also make waterfall plots, etc.

Selecting along various axes, like antenna, gets tricky. You'd rather not go back to ms.getdata because it is _slow_.

The "identifying baselines" step that you can do in plotms can be achieved through normal boolean array selection, with a result that's somewhat easier to read than CASA's logger:

highwt = (scdata_all[56]['weight'] > 1e5)
# array(['DA41-DV12', 'DA42-DV12', 'DA43-DV12', 'DA44-DV12', 'DA45-DV12',
#  'DA46-DV12', 'DA47-DV12', 'DA48-DV12', 'DA49-DV12', 'DA50-DV12',
#  'DA51-DV12', 'DA52-DV12', 'DA53-DV12', 'DA54-DV12', 'DA55-DV12',
#  'DA56-DV12', 'DA57-DV12', 'DA58-DV12', 'DA60-DV12', 'DA61-DV12',
#  'DA62-DV12', 'DA63-DV12', 'DA64-DV12', 'DA65-DV12', 'DV01-DV12',
#  'DV02-DV12', 'DV03-DV12', 'DV04-DV12', 'DV05-DV12', 'DV06-DV12',
#  'DV07-DV12', 'DV08-DV12', 'DV09-DV12', 'DV10-DV12', 'DV11-DV12',
#  'DV12-DV14', 'DV12-DV16', 'DV12-DV17', 'DV12-DV19', 'DV12-DV20',
#  'DV12-DV21', 'DV12-DV22', 'DV12-DV23', 'DV12-DV24', 'DV12-DV25'],
# dtype='<U16')

in this case, the output shows that DV12 is clearly the antenna that's overweighted.

Handling flags is tricky. The 'weight' array has shape [2,nbaseline,ntime], but I don't know if that 2 refers to frequency or polarization, since I have two of each and there is no information about this in the axis_info dictionary. So... I'm doing the conservative thing and ignoring any row of frequency or polarization if _any_ of the data are flagged.

colors = itertools.cycle(pl.rcParams["axes.prop_cycle"].by_key()["color"])
for key in scdata_all:
    weight = scdata_all[key]['weight']
    uvd = scdata_all[key]['uvdist']
    flag = scdata_all[key]['flag']
    okflag = ~np.any(flag, axis=(0,1))
    pl.semilogy(uvd[okflag], weight.reshape(weight.shape[0], uvd.size).T[okflag.ravel(), :], ',', color=next(colors), label=key, alpha=0.5)
_=pl.xlabel("UV Distance (m)")

And, indeed, doing this revealed that the super-high-weight antenna was already flagged out.

This has been a demo of how to do some stuff with CASA to replicate plotms


Along the way, I hit a ton of errors I didn't understand, so I need a record of what they mean.

"Data shape varies, selecting first data desc id only"

This is the worst. It means that you have a multi-ms file (mms) that has been produced by concat. It is therefore doing something explicitly wrong and returning only the first data description ID.

Data description IDs are super counterintuitive. They refer, afaict, to SPW numbers. If you have an MMS with unmerged SPWs (same frequency, but you didn't merge them because of tolerances or something), each SPW will correspond to a single observation ID.

The solution is to explicitly ms.selectinit, i.e.:
ms.selectinit(datadescid) # note: "reset=True" appears to _override_ the selection # use this as needed
data = ms.getdata(...)

but datadescid is _not_ the observation ID. It's just... some number you need to get from the metadata.

Mismatched data shapes when comparing two MSes

I got into this whole thing because I wanted to compare the data in two MSes to determine where we went wrong (we did go wrong).

Unfortunately, somewhere along the way, the autocorrelations got dropped. I don't know how it happened because I never did it (but I wish I had earlier), but that means that now the data shapes are mismatched.

The solution was to use and explicitly downselect to the baselines from MS #1 in MS #2 using MS #1's axis_info: {'ifr_number': scdata['axis_info']['ifr_axis']['ifr_number']}:

ms3 = mstool()
ms3.selectinit(80) # 80? what the hell kind of datadescid is that?!{'ifr_number': scdata['axis_info']['ifr_axis']['ifr_number']})
newdata = ms3.getdata(['amplitude', 'uvdist', 'axis_info', 'corrected_amplitude'], ifraxis=True)

That downselected the baselines to match the baselines present in scdata, which was MS 1.

The wrong data are showing up when I open a new MS

I was comparing several MSes, and sometimes the data looked the same for MSes I was dead certain were different. I was right, and the problem was apparently reusing the ms tool.

I didn't show the import statement above, but it was this:

from casatools import ms, msmetadata
mstool = ms
ms = ms()
msmd = msmetadata()

If I tried to reuse ms as normal, like so:
data1 = ms.getdata(...)
data2 = ms.getdata(...)

then I can't say exactly what data1 and data2 are, but they weren't the same.

So, instead, I created a new mstool instance each time:

ms = mstool()
data1 = ms.getdata(...)

ms = mstool()
data2 = ms.getdata(...)

Put all together...

Here's some code to loop over a list of MSes and plot both amp and weight vs. uvdist for the field W43-MM3.

Of course this crashed immediately because it exceeded the available memory.

for vis in mses:
    vissum = msmd.summary()

    vobsids = [key for key in vissum if 'observationID' in key and vissum[key] != {}]
    vddids = walk_summary(vissum, 'data description IDs')
    fids = np.where(vissum['fields'] == 'W43-MM3')[0]
    print(f"obsids: {vobsids}, ddids: {vddids}")

    ms = mstool()
    msdata_all = {}
    for ddid in vddids:
        ms.selectinit(ddid, reset=True)
        ms.selectinit(ddid){'field_id': fids})
        msdata_all[ddid] = ms.getdata(['amplitude', 'weight', 'uvdist', 'axis_info', 'flag', 'corrected_amplitude'], ifraxis=True)

    colors = itertools.cycle(pl.rcParams["axes.prop_cycle"].by_key()["color"])

    for key in msdata_all:
        weight = msdata_all[key]['weight']
        uvd = msdata_all[key]['uvdist']
        flag = msdata_all[key]['flag']
        okflag = ~np.any(flag, axis=(0,1))
        pl.semilogy(uvd[okflag], weight.reshape(weight.shape[0], uvd.size).T[okflag.ravel(), :], ',', color=next(colors), label=key, alpha=0.5)
    _=pl.xlabel("UV Distance (m)")

    colors = itertools.cycle(pl.rcParams["axes.prop_cycle"].by_key()["color"])

    for key in msdata_all:
        amp = msdata_all[key]['amplitude']
        uvd = msdata_all[key]['uvdist']
        flag = msdata_all[key]['flag']
        okflag = ~np.any(flag, axis=(0,1))
        pl.plot(uvd[okflag], amp.reshape(amp.shape[0]*amp.shape[1], uvd.size).T[okflag.ravel(), :], ',', color=next(colors), label=key, alpha=0.5)
    _=pl.xlabel("UV Distance (m)")
