High mass star and cluster formation

Star formation changes with environment

John Bally, Ashley Barnes, Nate Bastian, Cara Battersby, Henrik Beuther, Crystal Brogan, Yanett Contreras, Joanna Corby, Jeremy Darling, Chris De Pree, Roberto Galván-Madrid, Guido Garay, Jonathan Henshaw, Todd Hunter, J. M. Diederik Kruijssen, Steven Longmore, Xing Lu, Fanyi Meng, Elisabeth A.C. Mills, Juergen Ott, Jaime E. Pineda, Álvaro Sánchez-Monge, Peter Schilke, Anika Schmiedeke, Daniel Walker, David Wilner, Leonardo Testi, Rowan Smith, Ke Wang, James Dale, Jeremy Darling, Robert Loughnane, Nate Bastian, Erik Rosolowsky, Ciriaco Goddi, Brett McGuire, Dick Plambeck, Melvyn Wright

Star formation drives the evolution of the universe

Star formation drives the evolution of the universe

Most stars in most galaxies formed long ago

Galaxies were smaller & denser back then

Almost all of the light in star-forming galaxies is produced by high-mass stars

High-mass stars produce light & heavy elements
low-mass stars live practically forever

The stellar initial mass function (IMF)

Stars are randomly sampled from this distribution

Almost all of the light in star-forming galaxies is produced by high-mass stars

The stars form in and from gas

Most of what we know of star formation in detail comes from small local clouds

Most of what we know of star formation in detail comes from small local clouds

Cartoon of low-mass star formation

Most of what we know of star formation in detail comes from small local clouds

They contain only low-mass stars and do not represent star formation in general

Most stars form in denser regions

NGC 3603 is a high-mass (104 M) cluster

In denser (parts of) galaxies, more stars form in clusters

Our own Galaxy's center, the CMZ, has denser gas than the Galactic average

Cold Dust
Hot, ionized gas
Hot dust/PAHs

Our own Galaxy's center, the CMZ, has denser gas than the Galactic average

Our own Galaxy's center, the CMZ, has denser gas than the Galactic average

The "Bound Cluster Fraction" is higher in the CMZ

Summary so far:

  • At higher density, more stars form in clusters
  • Galaxies were denser in the past
  • Most stars formed when galaxies were denser
  • Most stars formed in or near high-mass clusters, in regions unlike the "local neighborhood"

How is star formation in high-mass clusters different?

Clustered feedback is more efficient

Clustered feedback is more efficient


Cartoon of high- and low-mass star formation

Main difference: massive stars affect their surroundings

Classic HII region feedback:
O-stars clear out their environment

Accreting massive young stars affect their environment

Accreting massive young stars affect their environment

Accreting massive young stars affect their environment

Accreting massive young stars affect their environment

The characteristic fragmentation scale is larger

Jeans Mass MJ = (π/6)c3sG−3/2ρ−1/2
The "hot cores" appear to contain 15-50% of the star-forming gas

The cartoon in the context of HMSF

These high mass cores suppress low-mass star formation in their vicinity, which could mean they prevent LMSF in the cores of stellar clusters

More extreme: 'cooperative accretion'

With enough high-mass stars forming concurrently, massive stars may prevent fragmentation entirely.
If they still have enough gravity to bind the gas, the remaining gas is forced onto the most massive gravitational sinks.

There is evidence for top-heavier mass functions in high-mass clusters

Summary part two:

  • High mass stars heat their environment, preventing lower-mass stars from forming
  • The feedback from high-mass stars is exaggerated in denser regions
  • By cooking their surroundings, high-mass stars help themselves form, and they may help create their own siblings

Large scales again:
What governs the star formation rate?

Turbulent ISM models

Local cloud studies led to the idea of a gas density threshold for star formation

Thresholds are used in simulations to say
"if gas reaches this density, turn it into stars"

The California molecular cloud, a local example

In local clouds, Spitzer, Herschel, CSO Bolocam, and JCMT SCUBA are used to count protostars

The California molecular cloud with protostars

ALMA enables protostar counting in
distant, massive clouds

Sgr B2: the most massive & star-forming cloud in the Galaxy

Is there a threshold?

Is there a threshold?

Column density within the CMZ

SF Thresholds & Star Counts

If star formation occurs above density thresholds, they are not universal.
Clouds within the CMZ appear to have a higher and consistent threshold (Barnes et al, in prep, show this for more clouds), so an environmentally-dependent threshold is plausible.

(proto)Star-counting measurements of star formation are now possible throughout the Galaxy.

What shapes the IMF?

Classic model: a "core mass function" maps to the IMF

Many alternatives, no consensus on which is best

The ALMA-IMF program is surveying 15 high-mass star-forming regions

PI: F. Motte, A. Ginsburg, P. Sanhueza, F. Louvet

How do the core and protostar mass functions evolve?

Goal: Comparison of early to late and low-mass to high-mass regions

HOPS sources are low-mass protostars

ALMA-IMF aims to measure the CMF

Early work in W43 (Motte+ 2018) hint at a shallower high-end CMF.

ALMA-IMF will also produce protostar counts for the most massive clusters in the Galaxy, which will let us test star formation theories.


Stars form differently in high-density environments
  • More stars form in clusters
  • More stars are affected by feedback from neighbors

The local neighborhood is not representative
  • ALMA enables detailed study of distant regions (Sgr B2, W51 so far)
  • ALMA-IMF will provide large samples of clouds and protostellar cores, bringing Galactic plane star formation studies into the resolution & sensitivity regime of recent local SF studies
Nothing beyond here

Cataloging cores [Ex: Sgr B2]

Cataloging cores [Ex: Sgr B2]

Cataloging with astrodendro & dendrocat

Cataloging with astrodendro & dendrocat

3mm Luminosity Function

How do massive clusters get their mass?
  1. The mass is pre-assembled in "starless" clumps, then collapses
    • Combined with gas expulsion, favored by Banerjee & Kroupa (2014, 2015, 2017, 2018)
    • Requires protoclusters to start more compact, since they expand with expulsion
  2. The mass is assembled as stars form:
    there is no starless phase, gas comes from larger scales
    • Better supported by observational timescale arguments
    • "Conveyor Belt" of Longmore+ 2014
  3. Stars form in substructures, then merge into clusters
    (e.g., Fujii+ 2012)
YMCs start large, collapse to small
  • Gennaro+ 2017: Westerlund 1 is collapsing
  • Walker+ 2015: gas is more extended than stellar cluster
  • Caveat: Sgr B2 is optically thick, might be much denser

Simulation: Accretion from large scales

Smilgys & Bonnell 2017

No feedback

Cloud collapse in the context of spiral arm potentials
Observations: Infall toward PMCs
  • Mass accretion rates \(\sim0.3-1.6\times10^{-2}~\mathrm{M}_\odot \mathrm{yr}^{-1}\) from THz NH3 absorption (Wyrowski+ 2012, 2016 ), but only toward a limited subset of clumps

There are two key characterizations of SF:

The SFR scales linearly with cloud dense gas mass, which is often interpreted as a threshold density required to form stars.

What is a high-mass cluster?

From here on, these are Young Massive Clusters (YMCs)
Upper mass cutoff varies with Galactic radius in M83
YMCs are the best local analogs
of proto-Globular Clusters
  • and they're pretty good analogs
    (Bastian+ 2013, 2014a, 2014b, 2016, Cabrera-Ziri+ 2014, 2015 )
  • GCs probe Galaxy formation histories
  • Open questions in GC populations to address with YMCs:
    • How does the power-law cluster MF evolve to a peaked one?
      Low-mass get destroyed, e.g. Kruijssen 2012
    • How do GCs form? i.e., how should we form GCs in simulations?
    • Why do GCs contain MSPs?
      (what are MSPs)
MSPs in GCs
  • MSPs = Multiple Stellar Populations, as opposed to
    SSPs = Simple (or Single) Stellar Populations
    • Distinct sub-populations exist within most or all globular clusters that are younger and/or chemically different
  • Bastian & Lardo 2017 ARAA review:
    "Many scenarios have been suggested to explain [MSPs], with most invoking multiple epochs of star formation within the cluster", but most of these fail


Forming high-mass clusters in the Galaxy

How many are there?
  • SFR \(\times\) CFE:
    \( \left(2~M_\odot~\mathrm{yr}^{-1}\right) \left(0.07^{+0.07}_{-0.03}\right) f_{(>10^4\mathrm{M}_\odot)} / \left(M_{cl,10^4 M_\odot}\right)\)

    \(= 3-12~\mathrm{clusters~Myr}^{-1}\)

    (Galactic CFE from Lada & Lada 2003, Goddard+ 2010, Kruijssen 2012; \(f_{(>10^4\mathrm{M}_\odot)} = 0.4\)
  • Observed: 12-18 currently forming YMCs
    (excluding CMZ)
  • Observable protocluster lifetime ~0.2-1 Myr
YMCs form fast
Feedback and Efficiency
  • Feedback appears ineffective at halting SF on small, dense scales
    • Ionization-bounded HII regions are smaller, less massive: HCHII regions ionize small amounts of gas that does not escape
    • For high \(v_{esc}\) regions, mass loss can only occur via stellar winds, jets, radiation pressure, and champagne flows
    In simulations of smaller clouds, Geen+ (2018) found factor of ~3-5 variation in efficiency purely from IMF sampling stochasticity
W51 IRS 2: Ionization is eroding gas inefficiently
Photoevaporation rate \(\dot{M}_{pe}< 0.001 \mathrm{~M}_\odot \mathrm{yr}^{-1}\)
Star Formation Rate \(\dot{M}_{sf}\sim \epsilon_{ff} M_{gas} / t_{ff} \) \(= 2000 \mathrm{M}_\odot / 10^4 \mathrm{yr}\) \(=0.2 \epsilon_{ff}\mathrm{M}_\odot \mathrm{yr}^{-1}\)
Even for \(\epsilon_{ff} = 0.01\), \(\dot{M}_{sf} > \dot{M}_{pe}\)

\(\dot{M}_{pe}\) consistent with Kim, Kim, & Ostriker 2018 for \(M_{cluster}\sim2-10\times10^3 M_\odot\)
Feedback is effective on cloud scales (e.g., Haid talk earlier)
Structure of forming clusters
  • Stars form in subtructures in the gas (e.g., filaments)
  • Merging substructures smooth out, become more symmetric
  • A consequence is that it is not immediately obvious which forming stars will become cluster members
W51: X-ray stars
W51: X-ray stars
W51: X-ray stars + Cores and UCHII regions
Ginsburg+ 2016, 2017
W51: Cores and UCHII regions
Ginsburg+ 2016, 2017
Cluster Formation Efficiency revisited
  • What fraction of all stars form in bound clusters?
    • Not all do (e.g., Bressert+ 2010, Ward & Kruijssen 2018)
    • Varies with environment, increasing toward higher density
    • More stars formed in higher density regions in the early universe, so more in clusters
  • We can measure this locally, given an appropriate change in environment
    Talks by Lu, Battersby, Walker, Zeng; posters by Butterfield, Callanan, Hatchfield, Henshaw
Sgr B2: Most massive cloud + protoclusters

Tightly bound cluster: \(\sigma_{1D} \sim 9-12~\mathrm{km~s}^{-1} \) \(\sigma_{1D} < v_{esc} \sim 14~\mathrm{km~s}^{-1}\) from RRL LOS velocities
Clustered and unclustered star formation occur together (Ginsburg+ 2018)
High-mass cluster formation: Sgr B2
The Cluster Formation Efficiency (CFE) is a function of density (Kruijssen 2012).

Sgr B2 fits the predictions
(Ginsburg & Kruijssen, in prep).
Sgr B2 N: Collapse
Collapse is morphologically obvious, but very difficult to measure (Peretto's talk): continuum is optically thick on ~1000 AU scales (Schwörer, Ginsburg, Schilke+ in prep)
Fragmentation appears suppressed

More stars in bound clusters also generally means more stars in high-mass clusters

  • YMCs are important tools to understand Globular Cluster formation
  • They are at least in part assembled from larger scales and merging subclusters
  • More stars form in bound clusters at higher density

  • Within forming clusters, feedback from the most massive stars affects neighbors, suppressing fragmentation
Future Directions
  • Complete census of spatial and mass distribution of protostars from the ALMA-IMF program
  • A direct connection between the protostellar and stellar populations with JWST imaging and spectroscopy to pierce the extinction layers
Low-mass clusters can have 0, 1, or several O-stars
High-mass clusters always have many

Credits: Peter Williams, git, reveal.js, MathJax, pdf.js