W51 in ALMA-IMF May, 2020

With contributions from students:
  • Desmond Jeff: PhD student
  • Theo Richardson: PhD student
  • Connor McClellan: REU 2018
  • Josh Machado: REU 2019
  • Danielle Bovie: REU 2020
And many coauthors on W51 papers, especially those also in ALMA-IMF: Roberto Gálvan-Madrid, John Bally, Cara Battersby, Erik Rosolowsky, Luke Maud
Slides available at https://keflavich.github.io/talks/almaimf_w51_May2020.html. Use arrow keys to navigate.


  • W51A is in the top 10 most massive SFRs in the Galaxy
  • CMF was "measured" in Ginsburg+ 2017, but measurement dominated by temperature uncertainty
  • W51 will serve as a key test case in ALMA-IMF for:
    • Temperature Measurement
    • High resolution counterpart identificaiton
    • Free-free subtraction

Temperature Measurement: Hot cores

We used CH3OH rotational diagrams to measure hot core temperatures:

Desmond Jeff is applying the same technique in Sgr B2 DS

Temperature Measurement: Not hot cores

H2CO image quality was too poor in Cycle 2 data.
Josh Machado fit NH3 temperatures using VLA D-config data from Cara Battersby:

Temperature Measurement: Not hot cores

Ammonia temperatures result in lower masses, and systematically different masses in different regimes, than isothermal assumptions. [Credit: Josh Machado]

Dashed: 1-to-1
Dotted: M(NH3) = 0.25 M(20K)
TODO: Compare NH3, H2CO, and PPMAP temperatures

High resolution: What's in a core?

Many cores are protostellar: they have hot, luminous stars inside. We have long-baseline (0.03-0.05") data showing this:
Danielle Bovie will cross-match the low- and high-resolution catalogues this summer

High resolution: What's in a core?

Most protostellar cores have slopes shallower than α<3 in ALMA B3/B6 plus curvature.
Connor McClellan's 2018 REU work; Theo Richardson will be improving SED modeling efforts by associating masses with the Robitaille+ 2017 model grid.

Ionized Gas

W51 is full of ionized gas on all scales. Smaller objects are denser.
The many small objects may be young B-stars.
See forthcoming paper from Rudy Rivera, Roberto Gálvan-Madrid, me, and Stan Kurtz.

Ionized Gas

VLA free-free subtraction works well.

Ionized Gas

VLA free-free subtraction works well.


  • W51A is in the top 10 most massive SFRs in the Galaxy
  • CMF was "measured" in Ginsburg+ 2017, but measurement dominated by temperature uncertainty
  • W51 will serve as a key test case in ALMA-IMF for:
    • Temperature Measurement
    • High resolution counterpart identificaiton
    • Free-free subtraction

Be on the lookout for funky masers!

CS masers may trace a disk in W51-e2e