As usual, CLASS documentation is nearly impossible to navigate. At the end of the CLASS "introduction" (gildas-intro.pdf) there is a subtle and obscure reference to the vector\fits command. The conversion is actually relatively straightforward: vector\fits outfile.fits from infile.lmv AG
Gildas CLASS
It's absurdly difficult to find help on GILDAS Class, probably because you can't google "class" and most people probably don't label every piece of code with "GILDAS class". Anyway, here are some scripts that I refer back to often: file in August2009BGPS.datfile out August2009fits.dat multipleon error "file out August2009fits.dat"say "READ IN FILES"define character sourcelist*10[300]accept sourcelist /column observed_sources.txton error "continue"get 1001set window -100 160set mask -400 -100 160 400set mode x -400 400set align velocityfor i 1 to 161 say "Working on SOURCE "'i' find /source 'sourcelist[i]' /telescope "CSO 4GHZ IF1" /offset 0 0 /quality 5 average on error "@avplot2 'sourcelist[i]' 'i'; next" base 3 line 0 min plot vis write i! on error "continue"next and file in araya-2004.clsfinddefine character filename*20for i 1 to 20 say "Working on source "'i' get next let filename "araya-2004_"'i'".fits" say "fits write "'filename'" /mode spectrum" fits write 'filename' /mode spectrumnext!file in araya-2002.cls!find!define character filename*20!for i 1 to 42 ! say "Working on source "'i'! get i! let filename "araya-2002_"'i'".fits" ! say "fits write "'filename'" /mode spectrum"! fits write 'filename' /mode spectrum!next
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