An artist who likes painting astronomical objects: Marianne Beacham Gallery
astro-better post
I contributed to a post on Astro Better asking about mosaicing software.
Astronomy gets some recognition
First off, this guy does some amazing work, like measuring the galactic rotation curve. He got recognized by the Colbert Report. Sweet.
Awk sexagesimal to decimal conversion
In VIM I often need to convert columns of RA/Dec from Sexagesimal into Decimal format. %!awk '{ra = ($2+$3/60+$4/3600)*15; dec = $6+$7/60+$8/3600; print $1,"ra=",ra,", dec= ",$5,dec}' The far more irritating inverse operation: `` %!awk '{h=($2/15); h=h-(h%1); m=($2-h*15)/15*60; m=m-(m%1); s=($2-h*15-m*15/60)/15*3600; d=-($3-$3%1); am=(-$3-d)*60; am=am-(am%1); as=(-$3-d-am/60)*3600; printf "%s %02i:%02i:%02.2f, -%02i:%02i:%02.2f %s %s %sn" , $1,h,m,s,d,am,as,$4,$5,$6}' ``
Back to site editing
I'm editing class web pages, php, cgi, etc. again. I don't think I ever really understood how to do this, but I'd like to know how to use PHP to fold text. That would be sweet. I found it by googling this time. This is really the right way to do things: Of course, it's pretty disappointing that it doesn't work with the non-classic template for blogger.
BASH discoveries, readline questions
1. `` shopt -p `` Maybe my hostname completion worked and then stopped working because the bash option hostcomplete was not set. Duh! Why? I don't know. Anyway, `` shopt -s hostcomplete`` solves the problem. `` nocaseglob `` is also pretty cool (case insensitive tab completion) 2. it's really hard to search for readline stuff on google. Can anyone explain to me how BASH readline works? I would REALLY like to make bash readline work like ipython, in which you can start typing a command and hit the 'up' key to search through the history for anything beginning with the stuff you've typed up to that point. But I can't even find documentation for the ipython readline! Any hints, anyone? 3. my desktop at work blocks ssh connections. I can ssh into some computers and then into it, but not directly into it. usual, I made a list where not-a-list would have sufficed, and I had to add the last thing because a 2-item list is dumb.
BGPS public release
CGI errors on Origins
First step:
tail -f /usr/local/apache/logs/casa/casa_error_log
Then, make sure .htaccess has the right lines.
AddType text/html .htmAddHandler application/x-httpd-php .php .htmAddHandler server-parsed .htm .htmlAddHandler cgi-script .cgi .pl
command line & escape key
Problem: in both the bash command line and ipython, if I hit escape twice, I can never again do history-search-backwards (i.e. when you type part of a command and type "up" and reverse-search through your command history). Any idea how to fix this?
Command of the Day
`` ls | wc `` and for when `` ls * `` fails `` find . -name "*" | xargs -I {} mv {} away/ ``