Big run this weekend...

In case anyone is wondering why Milkyway is going really slowly, I'm mapping a 69-observation set of Cygnus. It ought to prove to be an interesting test of Milkyway's swap capacity, but other than that I doubt it will be useful. While the pointing is reasonably good at this point (30" still, but whatever), I haven't done ANY work on filtering out bad observations / flagging stuff in Cyg. Data massaging is going to be a long process, it would be great if I could do that instead of pointing stuff. Argh. One thing to note is that this file: /scratch/sliced/l078/ is a "" but is NOT downsampled! Update: Mapped the individual files successfully, picked out noisy ones. The overall map failed - just not enough memory to do a field that large. I split it up in to two sets of 25 observations, plus I'll be mapping each L 70-L 90 field separately (I didn't get ride of noisy observations for this). I'm also remapping the individual observations with PSD flagging enabled to see how that works. For notes on the P Cyg observations, see the file /scratch/adam_work/texts/
