High-mass proto star clusters in and out of our Galaxy

What is a high-mass cluster?

NGC 253 protoclusters (Leroy+2018)
These protoclusters account for up to 100% of the starburst
NGC 253 protoclusters (Leroy+2018)
The extragalactic view of Galactic clusters
If you put Sgr B2 in NGC 253, it would be on the faint end of the detected clusters, but would be detectable.
ALMA gives a lot more detail in the Galaxy
ALMA gives a lot more detail in the Galaxy

Forming high-mass clusters in the Galaxy

Extragalactic, molecular observations on pc scales
ALMA surveys of Galactic clusters are becoming common
These programs create mosaics and include total power data: they can be compared to parsec-resolution extragalactic observations
  • W51, Sgr B2 (Ginsburg+ 2017, 2018)
  • W43, G10, G12, G328, G327, G333, G351, G353, G008 (ALMA-IMF)
  • W49 (Galvan-Madrid+)
Example: W51
15% of the total continuum flux on \(\sim5\) pc scales comes from three proto-MYSO hot cores, nearly all of the complex molecule emission from the same three (Ginsburg+ 2017)
Sgr B2: Most massive cloud + protoclusters

Tightly bound cluster: \(\sigma_{1D} \sim 9-12~\mathrm{km~s}^{-1} \) \(\sigma_{1D} < v_{esc} \sim 14~\mathrm{km~s}^{-1}\) from RRL LOS velocities
Clustered and unclustered star formation simultaneously (Ginsburg+ 2018)
Sgr B2 N: Collapse
Collapse is morphologically obvious, but very difficult to measure: continuum is optically thick on ~1000 AU scales (Schwörer+, submitted)

A closer look at Sgr B2 N
CH3OCHO: red, C2H5CN: blue, 242 GHz continuum: green
A closer look at Sgr B2 N
Schwörer+: Accretion along filaments
A closer look at Sgr B2 N
Schwörer+: Accretion along filaments: \(\sim0.1~\mathrm{M}_\odot \mathrm{yr}^{-1}\)

In denser (parts of) galaxies, more stars form in clusters

Γ is the fraction of stars forming in bound clusters
Galaxy averages

"Bound Cluster Fraction" is predicted higher the CMZ

Γ is the fraction of stars forming in bound clusters
Galaxy averages
CMZ prediction

The "Bound Cluster Fraction" is higher in the CMZ

Γ is the fraction of stars forming in bound clusters
Galaxy averages
CMZ prediction
Sgr B2 data
Cluster Formation Efficiency: Feedback
  • Feedback efficiency is strongly dependent on where stars form, i.e., on clustering
    (Grudić & Hopkins 2018)
  • More concentrated stellar populations drive more neutral material out, likely contributing to outflow (e.g., as seen in NGC 253)
    (Kim, Kim, & Ostriker 2018)
Summary and looking to the future
  • (proto)YMCs are detectable in nearby galaxies and observationally well-characterized in our own
  • Cluster formation is more efficient in denser regions
  • The link between Galactic and extragalactic observations is in chemistry and excitation:
    Non-CO molecular observations on pc scales are the common ground that may allow extragalactic observations to pick out Galactic, ALMA-scale information
How many are there?
  • SFR \(\times\) CFE:
    \( \left(2~M_\odot~\mathrm{yr}^{-1}\right) \left(0.07^{+0.07}_{-0.03}\right) f_{(>10^4\mathrm{M}_\odot)} / \left(M_{cl,10^4 M_\odot}\right)\)

    \(= 3-12~\mathrm{clusters~Myr}^{-1}\)

    (Galactic CFE from Lada & Lada 2003, Goddard+ 2010, Kruijssen 2012; \(f_{(>10^4\mathrm{M}_\odot)} = 0.4\) )
  • Observed: 12-18 currently forming YMCs
    (excluding CMZ)
  • Observable protocluster lifetime ~0.2-1 Myr
  • Kruijssen+ 2019: NGC 300, \(t_{fb}\sim1.5\) Myr
  • Extragalactic censuses are more straightforward and likely more accurate
YMCs form fast
YMCs start large, collapse to small
  • Gennaro+ 2017: Westerlund 1 is collapsing
  • Walker+ 2015: gas is more extended than stellar cluster
  • Caveat: Sgr B2 is optically thick, might be much denser

Feedback and Efficiency
  • Feedback appears ineffective at halting SF on small, dense scales
    • Ionization-bounded HII regions are smaller, less massive: HCHII regions ionize small amounts of gas that does not escape
    • For high \(v_{esc}\) regions, mass loss can only occur via stellar winds, jets, radiation pressure, and champagne flows
    In simulations of smaller clouds, Geen+ (2018) found factor of ~3-5 variation in efficiency purely from IMF sampling stochasticity
W51 IRS 2: Ionization is eroding gas inefficiently
Photoevaporation rate \(\dot{M}_{pe}< 0.001 \mathrm{~M}_\odot \mathrm{yr}^{-1}\)
Star Formation Rate \(\dot{M}_{sf}\sim \epsilon_{ff} M_{gas} / t_{ff} \) \(= 2000 \mathrm{M}_\odot / 10^4 \mathrm{yr}\) \(=0.2 \epsilon_{ff}\mathrm{M}_\odot \mathrm{yr}^{-1}\)
Even for \(\epsilon_{ff} = 0.01\), \(\dot{M}_{sf} > \dot{M}_{pe}\)

\(\dot{M}_{pe}\) consistent with Kim, Kim, & Ostriker 2018 for \(M_{cluster}\sim2-10\times10^3 M_\odot\)
W51: X-ray stars
W51: X-ray stars
W51: X-ray stars + Cores and UCHII regions
Ginsburg+ 2016, 2017
W51: Cores and UCHII regions
Ginsburg+ 2016, 2017