Failed fields

  • l030 - comments were in the form ;; instead of # in the infile
  • l055 - no such folder
  • l026 - no infile existed; made one
  • l028 - /scratch/sliced_polychrome/l028/060605_o[**] are bad
  • l031 - Downsampling seems to have failed for most of this directory. Need to downsample all files and create a new infile
  • l035 - /scratch/sliced_polychrome/l035/060605_o[**] are bad - that's all 060605 observations of l035.
  • l036 - /scratch/sliced_polychrome/l036/, /scratch/sliced_polychrome/l036/ are bad
  • l038 - /scratch/sliced_polychrome/l038/, /scratch/sliced_polychrome/l038/060627_ob[3567] are bad - had to re-preprocess
  • l054 - /scratch/sliced_polychrome/l054/ is bad
  • l057 - /scratch/sliced_polychrome/l057/ is bad

Except for l057, there is no guarantee that the whole observation is bad, BUT the code failed on ncdf_open, so it possible the observation turned bad during downsampling/preprocessing. fixed: 30, 26, 55, 35, 28, 31, 38, 54, 57 so far all observations on 060605 are bad.
