CASA Simulation

More frustration with CASA:

  • If you try to load a FITS image into a CASA .image, beware that it is likely to have incorrect units. Round-tripping between .image and .fits doesn't work well, because CASA always assumes that CDELT is in radians even when it is explicitly set to be degrees.

  • EDIT: OK, this isn't true in all cases, but if you use imhead to put a keyword value, it will assume radians by default. That can be overcome by explicitly setting the units:

    imhead(perseus_casa_image, mode='put', hdkey='CDELT1', hdvalue={'value':hdr['CDELT1'], 'unit':'deg'})

    I was able to produce this awkward behavior without imhead as well, though I cannot repeat that now.

The simulator gives this error message if I try to load an image:

sm.setvp() sm.predict(perseus_casa_image)

2016-02-25 09:26:34 SEVERE Simulator::predict() (file /Users/rpmbuild/gradle/workdir/casasources/release-4_5/code/synthesis/MeasurementEquations/, line 2118) Caught exception: TiledShape: #elements in shape and tileShape differ

My best guess is that CASA doesn't understand how to handle 2D images with 3D headers. However, the sensible workaround of expanding the image to 3D does not work.

Re-importing after exporting gets yet another different image. After re-importing an image that was exported to FITS, I get a new error:

Failed AlwaysAssert spectralIndex>=0 2016-02-25 09:37:35

which is rather strange since the spectral index is a physical quantity.

There is also the lovely message:

2016-02-25 09:55:27 INFO importfits No usable restoring beam information found.

for a header that contains these lines:

BMAJ = 1.293900184840E-04 BMIN = 1.293900184840E-04 BPA = 0.000000000000E+00

The image might finally be right, but now I can't find any way to convert it to a model. If I try to ft the model, I get:

2016-02-25 10:54:54 SEVERE ft::imager::ft() (file /Users/rpmbuild/gradle/workdir/casasources/release-4_5/code/synthesis/MeasurementEquations/, line 4488) Exception: (/Users/rpmbuild/gradle/workdir/casasources/release-4_5/casacore/coordinates/Coordinates/ : 777) Failed AlwaysAssert which < nCoordinates() && coordinates_p[which]->type() == Coordinate::SPECTRAL

which probably means that CASA doesn't know how to turn a single-band continuum image into a model for a multi-frequency .ms (which is all .ms's, including continuum, in the ALMA world).
